Thursday, December 01, 2005

so many things to say

Austin says update my blog. Funny he should say that, I've actually written three posts that have never graced your eyes. I wrote on some things, and then feeling unsatisfied with myself decided not to post them. So instead of writing about one thing, i'll throw you guys a list of all of the things I could have written about since my last post.
1. My &^%$% @#$% co-worker.
2. The difference between coincidence and fate.
3. How to recover from a less than earth moving first conversation.
4. How much I hate text messenging.
5. How effed up it was that I was sick all thanksgiving break.
6. How dope my lil brother is on the saxaphone.
7. Why I would never move somewhere for a man I wasn't certain loved me.
8. Why Facebook is the devil.
9. My obsession with Making the Band 3.
10. The next apprentice is going to be a Black man.
11. People that throw pity parties for themselves.
12. Why both Austin and Danielle's lives could be lifetime movies.
13. If my life had to be categorized in to a film genre, it would be somewhere in between Dramtic Irony and Slapstic Comedy.
14. What it's like being a woman who plays in the big boy's league.
15. How sad I am that I didn't get to go to the Color Purple red carpet.
16. If there's a such thing as bad timing occuring multiple times.
17. How much I love the holiday season.

Ok Austin, you happy?


T said...

On the low, Making the Band 3 is the shit! Definitely on my schedule.

Anonymous said...

#11 and #15 could have been consolidated. and #2-4 are the same, eh?