Monday, July 25, 2005

Be Responsible for your story

Fired. That’s right, and she deserved it. Why Nadine Hoabsh thought it was appropriate to spill her bosses beauty industry business all over the internet via her “anonymous” blog is beyond anyone of reasonable intelligence. Her appearance on MSNBC to parle the drama into a book deal—well, that’s where this chick gets a bit smarter.

JolieinNYC is the notorious beauty blog that’s making this girl famous. Not surprising since bloggers give any moron with a thought instant publishing power, and an international reading audience. What’s better, they’re anonymous (if you choose to make it that way). That’s right, you can become the person you always wished you were as long as you do it via the internet, where no one can see, touch or just make you own up to all the crap you’re posting in cyberspace.

A slap in the face is what they are. Why study and train and learn to be a responsible journalist when you can log on to blogspot and start spewing all kinds of nonsense out in to the atmosphere without ever having to take responsibility for your words. Because, that happens a lot in real life huh? Why don’t we all just start sending anonymous letters to each other cursing each other out and threatening to expose deep dark secrets? Oh because that’s called a) stalking or b)blackmail. But still, some people actually sympathize with Nadine, they support her and love the blog. Hope they can support her jobless behind while she’s writing that book of hers since she’s been fired twice in one week.

It’s something really weird about society nowadays. If we want to know about anything, we have the luxury of simply googling it and see what pops up. But what ever happened to loyalty, integrity, ethics (especially from journalist)? In a society full of cable news and talking heads, now we have blogs, free publishing space for any gutless spineless person who’s too weak to stand by their words, or get a real job and publish them with their named attached. But hey, Judith Miller’s going to jail, and Nadine Hoabsh is Jolie in NYC, and she’s the journalist people are sympathizing with?


Perhaps this will be a wake up call to all bloggers out there young and old. Sometimes you don’t know the power of your own words. If you think twice before you say it aloud, maybe you should think again before you publish it on blogspot.

1 comment:

The LastPrince2 said...

very interesting. i found someone who agrees: